If your child is close to 1-year-old which manual do you purchase?2021-10-05T16:25:40+10:00

The daily routines, diet, play, development and sleep strategy is completely different for a child newborn to 11months and 1 year and older. Please purchase the manual for the age your child is now. If your baby was premmie please use their corrected age until they are 1 year corrected and then you can use their actual age. If you would like to discuss this with Natalie just phone or send an email.

Do you deal with twins or more than one child in the family?2021-10-05T16:25:07+10:00

Yes, I have had many successful consultations with twins and siblings of all ages. I will help you find a solution for any children 0-10 years. We will also work out a ‘staged approach’ together if needed, for you to apply the system in baby steps if there are lots of changes to be made and it feels overwhelming to do it all at once.

I want to co-sleep with my baby. Do your strategies support this?2021-10-05T16:24:27+10:00

You can successfully use my strategies with your baby or toddler in a side car bed or a bassinet or cot next to your bed or in your room. SIDS recommend for safety reasons and SIDS prevention that your baby sleep in their bed (whatever room you choose is up to you). I have had many clients report their baby or toddler falling out of the parent’s bed and onto the floor because the baby co-sleeps with the parents overnight but mum/dad didn’t want to sleep all day with the baby or go to bed at the baby or toddler’s bedtime at night, leaving the baby unattended on a parental bed. Babies can roll from 6 weeks, pillows are not enough protection from baby rolling out of bed.

My child’s sleep issues are in the night time can you still help me?2021-10-05T16:23:53+10:00

Yes. It doesn’t matter when your child has their sleep issues because you will be applying the same approach day and night. Also, your child’s day time routine affects their night sleep and their night sleep affects their day time routine. We have to start somewhere and you are more likely to retain the information I discuss with you in the daytime when you are more awake.

Are newborns too young for your service?2021-10-05T16:23:11+10:00

No. I am empowering you with confidence, understanding of your baby’s age appropriate needs, a plan for creating great days and a back up plan for unsettled days. It is never too early for you to gain confidence and be prepared for meeting your baby’s needs. I also prepare you with techniques to help your baby be flexible and let you enjoy life outside the home and have baby sleep and settle just about anywhere. Once your baby knows how to self-settle to sleep they can sleep through the night 7pm-7am as soon as they are developmentally ready to do so. The average age for this is 9 months.

What age ranges do you cover?2021-10-05T16:22:25+10:00

I cover newborns to five year olds. However I have written articles on the School aged child and sleeping issues.

How long does it take to work?2021-10-05T16:21:51+10:00

Changing your child’s routine is a gentle process that takes time. Sometimes as previously stated I can fine tune a child’s routine and they respond immediately and appreciate that mum and dad have confidence and a plan. The speed of your success in achieving your sleeping and settling goals is determined by how consistent and persistent you are with your routine. The average time it takes to achieve realistic sleeping and settling goals is 3-21 days. Please note I do not encourage dropping night feeds until your baby is developmentally ready to do so, or from 9 months of age.

Can I change my child’s exiting habits without crying?2021-10-05T16:21:15+10:00

Sometimes. Your baby cries to communicate with you. Toddler’s can tell you what they’re feeling, babies cannot talk but can communicate with their different cries and body language. Occasionally small changes made in minutes when fine-tuning a baby’s routine can result in great sleeping with no crying at all. However, if you have well-established habits at sleep time your baby or toddler is going to cry in protest at the changes to their new sleep routine.

In my sleep strategies, I encourage you to respond to your baby or toddler when your heart says they need you. Remember that while you are making the decision to improve your child’s routine they don’t know things are going to change and it is reasonable to expect them to protest at the changes. They are sensitive intelligent little humans who need respect when we are changing their routine. THIS IS NOT ‘SLEEP TRAINING’. We are empowering you the parent to create great days that deliver great nights with a personal plan to help you RESPOND to your baby. You apply what works and suits you and your baby.

Do you have any free advice for me to access now?2024-06-29T13:19:37+10:00

Yes! Simply click the link on the homepage to watch my short videos (UNDER 10 mins each), to discover the simple tweaks you can make today to have your BABY or TODDLER want to fall asleep and sleep soundly in their bed.

1. Why does my baby cry and protest every sleep?

2. Help! I’m stuck in my baby’s bedroom for all sleeps.


Why does my toddler refuse sleep?

I also post regular tips and videos on facebook and Instagram addressing parents questions, sleeping and settling tips, notice of upcoming seminars, updates on current issues and parenting articles.

My child is very extreme, no-one will listen to me and I don’t know where to turn!2021-10-05T17:03:36+10:00

Is your child experiencing head-banging, teeth grinding, extreme emotional tantrums, pulling their hair out, refusing to go to sleep, waking frequently overnight, awake for hours overnight looking like they have had twelve hours sleep, waking early, loud voices, fussy eater, constant illness….. Your child could have a food intolerance (different to an allergy). Food intolerances affect sleep, behaviour and health. Natalie will cover this in the ebooks, seminars and personal consultations. For more information now go to Sue Dengate’s fabulous website full of evidence based practical information http://www.fedup.com.au

Do you use the ‘controlled crying’ or ‘cry it out’ techniques?2021-10-05T16:19:12+10:00

No. The Australian Infant Mental Health Association does not recommend the use of controlled crying or cry it out (CIO) as a sleep strategy. They believe it could lead to emotional and mental health issues later in life. This does not mean your baby will not cry in protest at the changes to their existing routine when you implement your new one however, I want you to choose a method that feels comfortable for you and your baby or toddler and be as gentle as possible. I don’t want to cause distress for your baby/toddler or yourself.

Ready to sleep better? fill in my ENQUIRY FORM here and I will ring you personally to explore your family’s unique situation and create a plan for more sleep.

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