Sleeping Baby System eBook

Sleeping Baby System eBook


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Are you a sleep deprived parent of a newborn to 11 month old who is desperate for more sleep,

but have tried everything and nothing is working?

Children LOVE SLEEP and I know the secrets to creating it…

Sleep is important.

But it doesn’t need to be a battle.

The problem with current approaches: 

  • They encourage strict sleeping and feeding schedules that ignore your baby’s individual needs.
  • They encourage disheartening cry-it-out strategies-that discourage you from responding to your  baby’s need for parenting reassurance and break your heart listening to them cry.
  • They only focus on settling and resettling without considering the baby’s readiness for sleep, other developmental, physical, diet, medical or environmental issues that must be addressed for sleep.
  • Everyone is telling you “It’s a phase”, a “Regression”, “Just how baby’s are”, “They will grow out of it”, or you may feel you “should” know what to do to solve the problem yourself.

Does this all sound familiar?

Sleep is important.

But it doesn’t need to be a battle.

There is another way to achieve sleep for your child and the whole family.

The Sleeping Baby System

For sleep deprived parents of newborns to eleven month olds that want to create more sleep for their baby and the whole family as soon as possible.

You’ll learn how to-

  • How to enable sound sleeping and settling from birth or improve your current situation at any age.
  • Yes, we can absolutely start from birth because we are simply boosting your parenting confidence so you can guide the quality of your child’s awake time to deliver their magic sleep windows in which your child wants to go to sleep! Yes this naturally happens. We are being confident, loving and kind, not doing anything to hurt them
  • How to be a sleep detective and identify why your baby cannot settle or sleep well. Once we outline what’s behind the sleeping and settling issues then we solve the puzzle and move forward with a comfortable plan.
  • We are often just tweaking multiple things about your baby or toddlers day that improves sleep within days, often that very day!
  • Discovering your individual baby’s ideal daily routine, their feeding style or diet that assists sleep, creating sleep inducing play from birth, their preferred sleeping environment, their confident sleep cues and how to help them love going to sleep in their bed. Create great days that deliver great nights, a happier child and a well rested family.
  • How to feel relaxed and confident walking into the bedroom to put your little one to sleep, knowing they are ready for bed and LOVE SLEEP.
  • How to create a step by step plan for your baby’s ‘going to sleep’ routine and your unique gentle ‘sleep strategy’ options, so you have a confident plan and a back up plan for sleep time- for the good days and the not-so-good days.
  • How to easily follow system that is simple, holistic and gentle. You will be ‘aiming for calm’doing what feels right for your baby and taking everyday minute by minute. Parenting by heart.
  • How to set up the stroller or capsule for sleep and get out and about and live your life– not be stuck at home.
  • Delight in the improved connection with your child, creating quality time with your partner, strengthening your relationships, boosting your energy after sleeping well, and enjoying your positive outlook on life.
  • To find your tribe of wonderful women resources around you. I’m excited to be one of the health professionals on your team guiding your every step. You don’t have to do this alone.

Yes, I’m ready to SLEEP better now!- checkout

See if this sounds familiar?

“Hi Natalie. Just wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I contacted you about 1 month ago, downloaded your information and I’m so pleased to tell you that 13 week old Kade is sleeping 8-10 hours every night. He is happy, alert, growing and makes our lives complete. I was at the stage of pulling my hair out not getting Kade to sleep through the day. I read all the info three times, threw out the dummy and by day  two had a different baby. I have been telling everyone about you. Thank you again.”
Rebecca and Adrian C. via email, Australia.

Yes, that’s all it took! And it can work for you too…

Whats inside The Sleeping Baby System?

5 simple steps to more SLEEP

Step #1 Daily routines- 

Discover age appropriate flexible routines for 0-6 month olds and 6-12 month olds and adjust then to suit your baby’s individual needs.

  • Having a confident plan for your child’s day allows you to encourage sound sleeps and prevent unnecessary crying.
  • The simple flexible routine for 0-6 month olds that you adapt to your baby’s feeding style so we treat them as an individual.
  • A simple plan that helps you create great days and avoid over tiredness
  • The simple stages of the fixed routine for 6-9 months and 9-12 months, that walks you through when to offer the solid meals, the dropping of milk feeds and day sleeps from 3 to 1.
  • When to have active and quiet play that encourages sleep?
  • The simple tricks to prevent early risers so everyone sleep in as long as possible.
  • Tips on escaping the house with the new baby and helping your child sleep anywhere, you don’t have to be stuck at home. I want you to have a life!….and much more

Step #2 Eating well

When your baby feeds well and eats well they are happy to play and sleep well.

  • Gain breastfeeding confidence and enjoy your breastfeeding experience even more.
  • Discover efficient bottle feeding and personalise your plan for your baby.
  • The simple tricks to help you improve your baby’s distracted milk feeds and how to help them through this phase as soon as possible.
  • The how much, when to and what type of introducing solids so you can start at your baby’s pace.
  • How teething and illness affect your child’s appetite and meals.
  • Understanding how your child’s diet affects their night sleep and demand for milk overnight.
    ……and much more

Step #3 Playing well

Discover the secrets to play that stimulate them, develop their brain and help them earn their sleep.

  • Understanding the simple cues and sounds of your baby so you can understand how they are feeling.
  • How to comfort your reflux and colic baby and reduce their pain and discomfort.
  • Enjoying age appropriate play with your baby so you don’t get bored.
  • Appreciating how play affects your child’s sleep from birth so you encourage more of it.
    …..and much more

Step #4 The bedroom environment

Now that your baby is ready for bed lets encourage it to be sleep inducing. Sometimes changes made in minutes make hours of difference to their sleep!

  • How much light is appropriate in your child’s bedroom?
  • Should they sleep in a bassinet or cot and when do you transfer from one to the other?
  • Where to place the bassinet or cot in the bedroom and how that affects your baby’s sleep.
  • Wrapping secrets- the ‘Sleep and Settle Wrapping Technique’ that keeps them sleeping.
  • What your baby should wear to bed to encourage sleep and prevent unnecessary night waking.
  • How to transition from wrapping to sleeping bags with minimal disruption to your child’s sleep.
  • Discover the most appropriate background noise to encourage flexible sleeping in your child anywhere.
    Hang the mobile in this place to encourage sleep.
    …..and much more

Step #5 Choose your sleep strategy

So far we have your baby’s day confidently planned, they’re eating and playing well and their bedroom encourages sleep. Now we will help your child self-settle to sleep so they will LOVE their SLEEP.

  • Understanding your baby’s sleep cycles and why they sleep for 20, 30 and 45 minutes.
  • The magic age for your child being ready to sleep through the night that you will feel comfortable with.
  • What is self-settling and why is it important for sleep?
  • What is stopping your baby from self-settling in their own bed and disturbing your sleep?
  • A simple technique to help your child as best we can to understand the changes to their routine even if they can’t talk.
  • The simple keys to successful sleep for babies that will ensure your success.
  • A list of the normal reasons for your child waking in the night so you can take positive action.
  • Personal cues to simply and respectfully communicate with your child to encourage sleep anywhere.
  • Choose your self-settling sleep strategy for 0-6 month olds, that suits your baby’s and your personality as gentle as possible and allows cuddles.
  • Choose your self-settling sleep strategy for 6-12 month olds that also deals with the mobile baby crawling and standing up and allows cuddles.
  • Your back up plan for the unsettled days.
  • How and when to drop night feeds in your child that doesn’t need them anymore and needs a full night sleep like yourself.
    …..and much more

The Sleeping Baby System Bonuses

I want to make it easy for you to implement and monitor your progress. The following tools will prompt and remind you for when you are tired and encourage other carers to follow your routine and support you.

Sleep and Settle Sheet Trick -diagram

My secret ‘Sleep and Settle Sheet Trick’ that you will love for the cot.

Sleep and Settle Wrapping Technique -diagram

My preferred wrapping technique that encourages sleep for those babies with a startle reflex.

Sleeping Baby System-Checklist 

  • Use this as a helpful summary as you go through each step in the book to take notes on the fine tuning you wish to make to your baby’s plan for creating more sleep.

Sleeping Baby System-Bedroom Door Cheat Sheet. So you don’t have to remember a thing.

  • 0-6 month olds, to walk you through your ‘going to bed’ routine and sleep strategy.
  • 6-12 month olds, to walk you through your ‘going to bed’ routine and sleep strategy.

Sleeping Baby System- timeline for a week

  • To monitor your progress and see results over the first week to show you your new routine is working.

The Sleeping Baby System- Bonus documents

11 ‘Bonus’ answers to the most common problems parents like yourself ask me about everyday.

Another testimonial:

“Babies don’t come with a manual, however the “Sleeping Baby System” is as close to one you will find! Definitely worth the investment. The Sleeping Baby Manual is a great tool to guide me through what to do next and provide me with the reassurance that once I had exhausted all avenues to settle her, to begin the uptime and get on with my day. I like how the manual explains ideas and tips to tackle the different phases of a babies development.”

Suzanne Keddie NSW Australia

The Sleeping Baby System ebook- Summary

Step 1: Daily routines- that guide your great days and nights.

Step 2: Eating well- to be ready for sleep.

Step 3: Playing well-to earn sleep.

Step 4: The bedroom Environment-for sleep inducing bedrooms

Step 5: Choose your sleep strategy-that suits your child.


Sleep and Settle Sheet Trick -diagram

Sleep and Settle Wrapping Technique-diagram

Sleeping Baby System-Checklist 

Sleeping Baby System-Bedroom Door Cheat Sheet. So you don’t have to remember a thing.

Sleeping Baby System- timeline for a week

The Sleeping Baby System- Bonus documents

Here’s another family story…

“Hi Natalie, It’s Peta B, I called you last Monday and downloaded your information for some help with my 9 month old Eva. Since Monday she has been sleeping through the night. I have fed her once overnight in a week. She is only crying for about 3 minutes when we put her down!! Yay!! Thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it and have recommended you to many people. I have read many different sleep theories but I like your theories and techniques and agree with them. Thank you again”.
Peta B. via email, Australia.

Imagine your baby whinging less and sleeping more…
Imagine your baby settling to sleep happily in their own bed…
Imagine enjoying parenting confidence and waking feeling rested…

Ready to take the pressure off sleep for your family?

Are you ready to feel confident, connected and well rested?

Why wait when you can make changes in minutes that can make hours of difference to your baby’s sleep.

It doesn’t matter how busy you are, what event or holiday is coming up, which visitors are coming to stay…How much better would you enjoy life when your whole family is well rested and content?


If you’re not 100% satisfied with the content from my ebook after 14 days, I will offer you a full refund. Make your payment today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 14 days to explore the materials and experience my system and THEN… make a decision using the information YOU HAVE, rather than the information you don’t.


For the answers to my most Frequently Asked Questions please click here…

The Sleeping Baby System ebook for newborns to 11 month olds olds (PDF) for you to download and print right now


Yes! I’m ready to sleep better now!- checkout

“Hi Natalie, Just wanted to say a big thanks for your life changing advice. After 3 months of getting up to a crying baby every 1 ½ –2 hours at night and being on the verge of a breakdown from the sleep deprivation, my baby Cooper has finally settled into a routine of only waking once a night for a feed. I feel as if I’m getting my life back. Who would have thought a change as simple as the wrapping technique and allowing my baby to put himself to sleep could make such a difference. We’re on day three of following the strategy and had instant success from day one.

Amelia R. via email, Australia.

This system is designed to for newborns to 11 month olds. The routines and strategies are specific to this age group and would not suit a baby 1 year or older having one day sleep. Please apply your child’s corrected age if they were premmies until they are 12 months corrected and then you can use their actual age.

I would love be on your team and create more SLEEP for your family. I’m excited about working with you and hearing of your sleeping and settling success soon.

Happy Sleeping,

Natalie Ebrill, Child and Family Health Nurse, Registered Nurse and mother of three.

Sleep and Settle® 2004.

Phone: 0434 953 953


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